7 Reasons Why Nepali Twitter users are not Cool

1. They tweet like celebrity : most of the time you don’t understand what they are tweeting about. Only themselves or their close peers know.

2. They tweet less chat much: most of the tweets are personal conversation.

3. They have knowledge deficit: you don’t get nothing from their tweets. They don’t talk about ideas, knowledge, information, innovation, creativity or any other crazy things. Most of tweets are about everyday prattles.

4. They don’t help: you ask where is the best place in Kathmandu for a nice dinner or you ask about coolest android device in the town. You don’t get goddamn answer because people don’t help you or people are not able to help you.

5. People have very very close or limited circle: almost everybody knows of everybody. That means they have lots of prejudiced opinion.

6. People don’t know about technology: they use technology but they don’t talk about it and they don’t want to extend their knowledge. They don’t tweet about their experience, troubleshooting, tips n tricks, except some ‘social media experts’ sharing some of the Mashable links.

7. They tweet for the sake of tweeting: They just tweet because they think tweeting makes them cool

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